question;  if the injection was 100% effective, how many people would have not died assuming all of the 8600 people who received saline caught sars cov 2 and were given the real drug?    In other words, whats the maximum number of deaths that could happen from this woman substituting saline?

I guess 13 people.  In fact the injections are not 100% effective and may be around 50% effective at this point for reducing severe covid symptoms, and 100% of the people would not catch covid, especially the ones previously infected.

On the other hand, given that the injections are not neutralizing or sterilizing, they will drive spike specific antibody immune escape variants, causing more infections and death.  In addition, they downregulate  genes which keep us from getting cancer (P53 and BRCA), cause blood disorders, autoimmunity and allow reactivation of latent diseases.

The more this evil cabal and their servants lie about the situation, the more hideous they look.  Still, the majority of population believes the grotesquely manipulative mainstream narrative.  One article referred to these times as the little dark age. Corruption is so rampant it should be considered the default human condition, an innate quality of our species.



On 10/18/2021 12:13 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Maybe this is why they are dying.

On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 9:03 PM Phil Morrison <> wrote:


    "The media and the medical system must comply with the mass extermination of
    humans, the only answer to climate change."  "Any one else think like this?"

    Yes Mary, I think a lot like you, and I'm a scientist who has been 
researching climate change for the
    last 10+ years.

    Civilization is a heat engine.  TPTB figure to depopulate the planet by 
some 90% plus and thus
    reduce the heat engine to manageable temperatures.

    TPTB are about 20 years late with this Agenda. Mass Extinction has arrived 
long since.
I give homo sapiens on this planet only a few more years. If that! Good luck.
