First, is there an archive site where I can find the answers to all the
questions I am about to ask, which undoubtably you have seen several times

My name, well on the internet at least, is Corvus.  I am 31, both on the
internet and here in Hamilton Ohio.  I have a wife and two sons.  I also
have a cat named Dusty Argentum.  We have never given her a bath.  I have
lots of interests, but it was my interest in precious metals that brought me
here.  I found a website from a website called Sharefins Links while
searching for information about colloidal silver, which I heard about on a
precious metals forum called Kitco.

I have made what I suppose is colloidal silver.  I took a canning jar,
punched two holes in the lid pushed two alligator clips through, attached
two Canadian Silver Maple Leaf coins  (.9999 fine Ag) and wired the works up
to three 9v batteries in series.  Gap between the coins on the first batch
was about an eight of an inch and the arcing in the distilled water looked
like cold fusion or something.  Made lots of Silver oxide for a few seconds
while I readjusted the coin spacing.  Dumped the first batch.  Second batch
had coin spacing at around an inch, but after a short time I began to see
pretty little lines of browish orange reaching between the two coins and
alot of the yellowish material drifting down to the bottom.  Still a bit of
white haze on the negative coin.  Suspect that is bad.  The time it takes
for activity to appear seems very short compared to the times I see
mentioned on some of the do-it-yourself webpages.  I suspect the distilled
water I purchsed isn't and that there is already something  in the water to
act as a conductor.

I intend to drop the voltage a bit, and add some sort of currant regulation,
and distill some water.  But I have now about a pint of transparent liquid
that looks alot like urine.  Havn't tested for tyndall effect, batteries on
my flashlight are about gone, I was using the light to watch the activity in
my crude CS generator.
I've tasted this, Coke and Pepsi got nothing to worry about.

So, I think I can make the stuff.  But now I need to know if I should.  I
have read lots of web pages about this.  I'm not impressed.

Most of the pages almost say I can live forever if I drink this stuff,
specificly THEIR stuff which is somehow better than the stuff sold at the
last web page I looked at.

Other web pages seem sincere, and are non-comercial.  They seem to want to
share information about something they believe is very helpful.
Unfortuantly they usually appear to be kooks to me.  I'm sorry, I don't want
to be judgemental, but this is something I am contemplating takeing
internally and in some quantity larger than a taste.  And I don't believe in
most of what the authors of some of these websites seem to believe in.

And finally I have been to the OTHER websites, the FDA, a lady named Rebecca
Jones or something who has argyria.  These don't tell me much either.  The
FDA apparently has banned CS. (really that is what their website says)  But
I don't have much faith in the FDA.  What little faith I had was shattered
when they say that no silver compound has been shown to be effective and
that no salt of silver or colloidal silver has been approved for use.
Problem with that is that I think it is a lie.  I know that when my sons
were born they had a salve smeared in their eyes.  I asked what it was
because due to my interest in silver, I suspected it was a silver compound.
The nurse confirmed that it was.  So, it looks to me like the FDA lied.
At Rebecca Jones's site, she says that her complexion can't be covered over
with makeup.  Her coloring is really unfortunate, but I suspect makeup can
cover over just about anything.  Also, the silver that caused her argyria
was from nose drops, and I think that was some sort of compound of silver.
I am uncomfortable with saying that she is misleading because her case is
very unfortunate, but in my mind she has about as much credibility as the
kooky websites that promote CS even though they don't sell it.

So, I am looking for unbiased information about colloidal silver.  Is there
an anti.colloidal.silver list?  I want to hear their side too.

I have tons of questions:

If a positively charged silver ion enters my stomach won't it form an ionic
compound with the very first chemical that can provide an electron to share?
Will it not immediatly become a salt of silver?

Salts of Silver are BAD arn't they?

the FDA or Rebecca or someone claims that silver once in the body is
permanent and is never excreated.  ahh.... even lead is excreated slowly I
think, but can anyone confirm or deny with evidence that once silver is
ingested it's there for life?  not just CS but any compund of silver.  I
mean, I think all kinds of heavy metals can be removed from the body even if
rather slowly.

I don't remember the term, but what is the margin between what is considered
a theraputic dose of CS and a harmful dose.  Both in official medical
community and in the opinion of this list?

The US is not the only country in the world, and the FDA is not the only
regulatory agency in the world.  What is the regulatory status of CS in
countries such as Germany, Japan, UK, Canada, France and Austrailia?

Look, I want to believe, but I must have more inforation.  I am dismissing
anecdotal evidence because I am already biased.  I very much dislike the
medical/insurance/phamacutical industry.  But this dislike is not helpful to
me in making decisions.  I have a tendancy to believe anything that
conflicts with their interests, and that is what I must guard against.  If
you tell me that drums and colored feathers can cure a cold but the
pharmacutical industry dosn't want me to know that, I will want to give you
more credibility than you deserve.  This is what I am fighting in my desire
to understand.

I want to know if colloidal silver is safe.  We can talk about effectiveness
later.  I am profoundly skeptical, yet I have a pint of the stuff and some
of it has already passed my lips.

Is there a devils advocate on the list?  Speak up, convince me this stuff is
poison.  But make it a good case, I will unfortuantly and unfairly hold you
to a higher standard of evidence than your peers on the list.

I should mention that neither I nor anyone in my family has any serious
illness other than asthma.  I believe that within my lifetime effective
conventional antibiotics will be unavailable, for one or more of several
reasons that are almost certainly off topic for the list.

I hope you will all be patient with me, I'm learning and that sometimes gets

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