See if someone can dig up Brooks Bradley's posts on CS, MSM, and lactated 
Ringers solution(basic electrolyte replacement fluid)

The tests were with dogs internal absorption.  Caused 4x the blood levels of CS 
with the same concentration.  

It did not address intradermal  (is that the right word?)  absorption. 

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Scharbach []
Sent:   Thursday, November 18, 1999 4:12 PM
Subject:        Re: CS>Silver complexed with citrate and potassium ...  Whaddya 


Another thought, emu oil is supposed to transport anything mixed with it
the skin.   It would have to be some kind of emulsion, mixing it with the
silver, but
I bet it would transort through to the abscesses.

Also, when our cat (not to bring up THAT subject again. . . . ;~)    had an
also did this with a goat, we used a very small needle and injected the cs
inside the abscess.   Are these in a place you can reach like that?   The
ones we did
it with just dried right up.

I got the wild idea that
>since estrogen patches and creams are used as a transdermal delivery
>approach, and have been tested for acceptable and therapeutic levels in the
>blood, maybe C.S. could be used as a transdermal.  I am now going for the
>gusto and saturating the abscess areas with C.S. as well.  Whaddya think?
>Any experiments?

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