don't take "promarin". it's made from horse wee wee.
there are herbs with estrogen in them to help with the flashes etc. 
someone on the list must know what they are.



--- Begin Message ---
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 2:06 AM

> Thanks for allowing one man's view

Well, here goes.. I am a female 49 yers old and going through my change. Not
a pretty sight.  I have been experiencing a discharge and an annoying odor.
I have been taking CS for approsimately three weeks at varying strengths and
amounts.  I know that sounds funny, but I am new to this product and am
still trying to figure all the stuff out.  I just made my first batch of CS
and am not sure what the ppm is, but if the directions were accurate, it is
approximately 20ppm.   I am now taking two doses of about 1oz  every A.M.
and P.M.    Anyway, the discharge has disappeared and the odor is
significantly decreased, but not gone.

My doctor just told me that this would go away eventually when my body had
cleansed all of the old menstrual matter.  I, however felt that the problem
was due to bacteria in all of the unshed matter and thought CS might do the
trick.  I think it has.

Unfortunately CS does not do anything for the hot flashes and hormonal ups
and downs.  That, I fear will just take time.


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--- End Message ---