Diane wrote:
> This is a great explanation  you have given us.  I'm printing it out
> to  hold hands with as I try my next batch of "pure" cs.

Thanks. I'm glad it helps.

> I am just particularly nervous now about the purity of the cs, as I
> found out I'm pregnant.  So all the fear sets in.  Will this hurt
> me, the baby, the kids? 

Just so you remember, nobody can *prove* this stuff is safe for
*anything*, let alone use during pregnancy, *IF* your standards of 
proof are those of mainstream medicine, the FDA, or liability law.

Please consult a health care provider that you trust and be sure you 
are making a fully informed decision before using any information you 
find here or elsewhere on line. The risk and the responsibility rests 
squarely on *your* shoulders.

Beyond that, I'm sure folks are willing to share their experiences 
and whatever they know or have heard, but nobody can tell you what 
you should do.

Having kids is a wonderful part of life. <grin> I'm happy for you.

Be blessed,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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