
I have heard from someone on one of my lists who was quite ill and
recovered using nothing but the glycemic index. 

Wouldn't it be something if it really were that easy!

I did a search using (put it in your search's
a multi-search engine...)

I thought I understood what the high glycemic foods are, but I was very
surprised. It is possible to put together a fairly comprehensive list of 
foods that have been tested for glycemic index by looking at various 
websites, each of which list some. 

As far as sweeteners, agave nectar comes in at a low 14. There is a fruit-
based low glycemic sweetener approved for diabetics on, 
which has interesting info on all sweeteners, natural and artifical. One
interesting tidbit...most sweetners including sugar and honey are anti-
thermogenic, or inhibit fat-burning.

There was a wealth of info in the websites under glycemic index. Want to
discuss some of this? 


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