I would personally give the Beck 4 step program a try.  That is what cured my
sister of Lyme.


tm4...@aol.com wrote:

> I've been CS 6 months and worked up to a cup a day for lyme. I spent 9 months
> on IV rocephin and started Flagyl/Doxycycline 2 months ago.
> I had no fevers on IV but they started back in after stopping IV and going to
> oral meds. I run a low grade fever every single eve from 5-8 pm and it feel
> like sitting in a oven. It will then break then chills and exhausted. Docs
> don't know why this is and don't seem to care. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE A
> That's about all I know. Is this my body fighting,a CS effect,toxins?
> Anyones's info would be of help-
> Tami M
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