In a message dated 12/02/1999 3:09:21 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  I trust that the skin discolouration is
>  the result of some readily reversed condition.
Several months back, I noticed that my skin looked gray and my fingernails 
were bluish. I had not heard of CS at the time, so that was not a factor. I 
was getting very upset, thinking that perhaps I had suddenly gotten some 
condition that wasn't letting my blood have enough oxygen. I went to look in 
the mirror, but my face looked OK. Then I looked more closely at my hands, 
which is where I had first noticed it. I scratched at one of the fingernails 
and discovered the color came off. When I washed my hands thoroughly (about 
20 times) finally all the color returned to normal. I was very puzzled until 
I remembered I had been canning peaches and tomatoes and perhaps the color 
came from a natural dye in them. I doubt that this is the problem here, but 
it would be an idea to get checked by a doctor to see if maybe it is her 
heart or lung function or something else.
Christ, my all  <><

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