MSM mixed with CS, colostrum, and aloe are ingredients i have of greater benefit than vitamin E.
jd -----Original Message----- From: June Narber Harrison <> To: <> Date: Saturday, December 25, 1999 3:19 PM Subject: Re: CS>New Scars On Face >Vitamin E is excellent for skin healing. As it usually is in the form of an oil, >it is not good to use >on pimples and acne outbreaks, however, it is good when used in a light formula >combined with >natural oils such as jojoba, almond etc. as a skin moisturizer, wrinkle reducer. >I use Vit. E periodically on >wrinkle prone areas and always use it on old wounds that need to heal with no >scarring. >There are several combination formulas that work just as well, but some people >prefer the simplest >method. >Does anyone else have suggestions for treatment of scarring? A good topic to >investigate I believe. >The worse the physical scars though, remember, the longer the healing process. >If the skin has been >extremely burned to the point of being charred and disfigured, there is little >in the way of natural >healing that can return it to its former state. However, there are things that >can help in the reconstruction process >were this the case. >I do not remember the nature of the initial post about scars....can you please >comment as to what >kind of scar it is, what caused it, where it is located, and the age of the skin >it occurred on, as well as the >skin hue...this can help estimate percentage of healing possibility. >June > > > >-- >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: > -or- >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. > >To post, address your message to: >Silver-list archive: >List maintainer: Mike Devour <> > > __________________________________________ NetZero - Defenders of the Free World Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at