The reason a person should use 35% food grade is because there are no
stabilizers in it, mix one oz of 35% with 11 oz of distilled water this
will give you 3% volume.  Always treat 35% peroxide with respect it is
like a strong bleach only better, it is produced in Nature naturally.

Ted wrote:
> Thank you for the warning, Mike.  My food grade is 7% and I diluted it.  By
> the way, we feel better already having used it.  Thanks again for the tip,
> Chuck.  I REALLY do appreciate it!
> Samantha
> In a message dated 12/30/1999 9:29:02 AM CST, writes:
> > Hi, Sam,
> >
> >  Just wanted to make *ABSOLUTELY SURE* that you had the right
> >  instructions before you went ahead and did this. The food grade
> >  peroxide I've heard about from this list is all 35% and *extremely*
> >  caustic. If *that* is what you're using...
> >
> >  DO NOT put that strong of peroxide in your ears or anywhere! OKAY?
> >
> >  Diluting it to about the 3% level is, I believe, the recipe folks are
> >  talking about. Chuck might be mixing it a bit stronger, or his "food
> >  grade" peroxide is not as strong as some of the stuff other people
> >  have gotten.
> >
> >  Whew! Don't try this at home, kiddies. <grin>
> >
> >  Mike D.
> >
> >  >
> --
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