A lady called me awhile ago and asked if CS would help
with eczema. She had eczema on her feet so bad she
could not walk without them bleeding. Used a cane to
make it to the bathroom. I didn't really think CS was
the answer (suspected essential fatty acids and
vitamin B would be more likely). She sent her husband
over to get a bottle anyway. I told her to apply CS
topically to her feet several times per day, then
apply olive oil to seal it in, plus drink a tspn
2xday. As soon as she got the CS, she washed off the
steroid cream her doctor had given her and started
applying CS. Two days later she was up and running
around without a cane. She told me her husband had
tears in his eyes to see how much and how fast her
feet had improved.

She and her husband made an appointment to come see
me, and when they showed up, she came prancing in and
immediately took off her shoes to proudly show me her
totally normal looking feet. No dryness, no redness,
no scales.

I supply CS to a nearby pharmacist who sells it out of
her pharmacy by the gallon. She has told me stories of
success with warts, eye and ear infections, cuts and
burns, etc. The only deodorant she uses is CS. Her
teenage daughter swears by CS for her acne.

Terry Wayne

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