
I have a cat with 4 triangular-shaped wedges on each eye. At about the 2
and 4 o'clock positions and about the 8 and 10 o'clock positions. (on
each eye) The vet said they were tumors and that she would eventually
lose her sight. Now I'm hoping that she's wrong; she's a very sweet and
loving cat. 


Nicole Fraser wrote:
>      Hello everyone,
>      This may sound like a weird question but I am hopeing
>      SOMEone out there may be able to help me! ? :0(
>      I have a year old, female cat. She is white with blue eyes.
>      Now I have noticed this since she was a kitten, but now it
>      seems to be worse! On her right eye between 2-11 o'clock
>      there are about 4 different sized/shaped, copper colored
>      spots. Then there is one at about 2 o'clock. When you are
>      close to her these spots are VERY noticable! I have had
>      people comenting on them besides my family.
>      Does anyone know what this could be from, and what I can
>      give her to try and heal whatever it is?? She is kind of
>      like my baby;0). I have her on a parasite program...still am
>      battling with the fleas and plan on ordering the planet
>      solutions as soon as I can afford it since I have tried the
>      drops from the store, the orange extract and even garlic! no
>      luck! :0/
>      But maybe this is from her food? I want to only give her
>      meats and things, but with 5 cats and I am living with my
>      mother it is hard to do that! I don't think the canned food
>      my mother feeds her is good for her either! ;0/ but now at
>      least I am trying to get my mother to ONLY put foods without
>      artificial flavors and dies!
>      But any thoughts on WHAT this is? We have no copper pipes
>      and I give her CS in her I just don't know. She
>      appears in good health, but I think there is something going
>      on!
>      Thank you for any advice you can offer!
>      Nicole:O)
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