In a message dated 4*8*00 3:00:04 PM, writes:

<< Subject: CS>hydrogen peroxide and CS production experiment [a quicky]
>> ##  An odd little experiment. >>

Hello all,
    I did a little experiment with hydrogen peroxide too recently...of a 
completely different nature. 
    I breathed it up my nose. 
    I had been reading about it and became convinced that the 3% kind would 
not be too strong to try this with. 
    What happened was that it totally cleared my nose out upon the first try. 
I ran into my daughters room and said "I can hear better!" (I have tinnitus 
and it is effecting my hearing).
    W E L L ...I should have left well enough alone. I did it again two more 
times!!! My nose wouldn't stop running and bleeding too. And I got sick too, 
for 2 days. Does anyone have a guess about this? Did I open up some crap in 
my nasal cavity and it perhaps was loosened by the hydrogen peroxide? 
Hmmmm...I keep wondering about this.
    Comments appreciated!
Love, Kathy

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