To my limited understanding, a silver ion is elemental metallic silver with an added electron giving it a positive charge. It normally has a valency of +1 therefore will tend to compound with other elements with a negative valence such as oxygen [O, -2].

It is reasonable to me that the added electron of the ionic form will make that elemental silver particle even more reactive with an atom of negative valence such as oxygen forming perhaps any or all of the three possible oxides of silver which may carry different color ranges beside pure black. [I find no reference to this so it's a supposition but is supported by observation of oxide deposit formation under electrically charged conditions]

Theory: Formation of oxide deposits depends upon the interrelationship of oxygen bubbles forming on the negative electrode [varies with vapor pressure and surface tension of the water at various temeratures which also determines bubble size and coherent ability] where the smaller bubbles have greater available surface area to form oxides, oxygen dissolved in the water [both normal airborne oxygen and ozone from ozonation purification process] and the presence of elemental ionic silver...coupled with decreasing electrical activity that varies with distance due to accumulated resistance in the water.

On the positive hydrogen emmitting pole, high vapor pressure in warm water can result in formation of large cohesive and adhesive hydrogen bubbles that trap silver ions on their surface tension...the inside surface of the bubble... that transfer to the surface tension of the water when that pole is removed making a gray floater. These bubbles also seem to insulate the pole and slow the ellectrical activity down to near nothing.
Hydrogen has a + valence as does the silver ion. They cannot combine nor can the ion readily penetrate the surface tension of the bubble.

Oxidation: Oxidation is where an element or substance combines with oxygen to form another compound. An oxidized element is no longer in it's elemental form but is an oxide compound of that element or IOW that element compounded with oxygen to form an oxide [or dioxide or trioxide etc depending on how many oxygen atoms it's valence will 'hold'] The normal oxide of silver would be Ag2O because silver has a valence of +1 and oxygen has a valence of -2, however, under electrolytic conditions, silver can form 1 or 2 other oxides for a total of three as per a previous of which is, 'possibly', as a result of silver hydroxide formation going further down the reaction chain and losing its hydrogen. [I don't know for sure exactly what happens but it's possible that there's a voltage varience involved and voltage does vary or 'drop' with increasing resistance...and resistance does increase with distance through a resistive medium such as water]

There is a maximum ionic crystal size involved here too. For silver, it is .97 angstroms. The reading of what this means is confusing to me but I gather [and may be mistaken] that an ion larger than that can be formed but has a reactive radius greater than a maximum stable radius of .97 angstroms, therefore will instantly compound with any available element that has an opposite valence such as oxygen. This tells me that it's possible to have a larger than .97 particle but it's not 100% ionic, nor is it pure silver...but is.. a partially oxidized silver particle or a silver ion crystal of .97 angstroms with a silver oxide molecule or two hanging onto it.
This seems to be a sort of confirmation that:
If high currents blast off larger ion clusters, these larger clusters will readily [partially] oxidize. The oxides have a color. Therefore, particle size does have something to do with color, BUT, the color is due to pigmentation from oxides not refraction. [Colors of pigments do have reflective properties due to light frequency absorption] And, we're no longer talking about pure silver ion clusters. Also, if the electrical pressure is great enough, they will blast these partially oxidizing particles straight into suspension.
Observation: When running CS generator at 6ma, the water quickly turns brownish and the "ion" cloud has a brownish tinge. This seems to correlate with observations of oxide color spread when running at .7 ma where current density in volt amps is greater on the negative oxygen emmiting pole and is reduced by distance through the resistive medium [water] where the lighter oxide deposit is yellow. When running at or around 2 ma, the predominant color is light yellow and gets darker as the amperage increases. The longer it runs at any particular current, the more intense the color but the color remains the same color.
Note: I have never gotten a color change in the water when running under .6 ma. and the ion cloud is always white.

Why does the color stick to the glass after storing for a few weeks? [It really does]
Theory: The partially oxidized particles being under brownian motion are heavier than and carry less charge than the smaller pure silver ion crystals. Therefore, they have greater inertia upon impact with the container and literally impact with great enough force to adhere themselves onto the glass.
Note: Hydrogen peroxide removes the color layer readily. [No clear idea why]

Observation: Oxide deposits, when not stirred/agitated into the mix by thermal currents or excessive voltage/current pressures tends to deposit along the bottom of the container with the darkest black being under the negative pole and the lightest yellow forming under the positive pole and a range in between. These deposits, having had thier charges neutralized by componding, stick firmly to the glass if given a chance..that is...aren't kept agitated and suspended mechanically, electrically [by electrical pressures] or thermally [thermal water currents]
Silver ions, if left undisturbed, also follow much the same pathways as the oxides and being juxtaposed to the forming oxides, some of them can lose their charge and stick to the glass as well, forming a silvery coating that's quite difficult to remove. [plate out] The ions are smaller and lighter than the oxides and so tend to travel higher and wider than the oxide trail, again, if not excessivly agitated. The plate out occures to the sides of the oxide trail.

In conclusion according to observation and [my] theory:
To make clear and potent CS, run at a controlled current under 1 MA in distilled water at a temperature decreasing from 100+\- deg or increasing to 100+\- deg by applying a tiny heat source under the container. This induces a small thermal current that keeps the ion cloud moving but does not disturb the heavier oxides. They will stick to the rod or the glass of the container.
To reduce oxide load, limit the available dissolved oxygen by heating and/or venting the water. Some oxides will still form, but they will mostly be limited to and stuck firmly to the rod and easily removed. There will be virtually none in the sol.
The low current will prevent partial oxidation of silver ion crystals because they will be emmited below the .97 angstrom diameter treshhold.
But, this being a delicate low pressure process, it tends to go into equiliblium and nearly stop, sometimes locking ions up inside hydrogen bubbles.. Solution: remove and clean all componants including the water [pour into clean container temporarily] when no ion cloud activity is seen or after about an hour, then reassemble [including the previous water] and continue. A quite gratifying pure white ion cloud will then form.
k...@czen aka KD'C

Does any one know if the oxygen and hydrogen is also ionized? I suspect it is.

At 03:49 PM 4/8/00 -0400, you wrote:
>What you are seeing is the catalytic action of silver causing H2O2 breakdown!
>On a silver bar the reaction is very slow as the surface area/mass is small
>while the silver atoms/crystals in the pitted surface have large surface
>areas and thus react quickly! This is the basis of my prior posts of QC
>test #1,
>to test Cs for the presence of metallic silver. I.E. ionic Cs will not form
>a single
>bubble in 24 hours while poor product will in minutes.
>Your "oxide" load is reduced silver (to metallic atoms/crystals) and the
>is less when you get bubbles on the "prod", as they are being dispersed into
>solution as free metallic particles! Test that Cs with H2O2 and you will
>see the
>above effect.
>At 10:57 AM 4/8/2000, you wrote:
>> ### Interestingly, it seems that the hydrogen peroxide does not react
>>with clean silver but only attacks the oxides wedged in the pits of an old
>>used electrode. Why? I have no clue. I will now take a piece of new silver
>>and place it in h2o2 for several days and see what happens.
>> Another oddity: [current controlled to .8ma, starting voltage at 24.5v
>>winding down to 6v in approx 2 hrs] The oxides seem to form more vigerously
>>at the beginning of the process and in cool water. If the prods and
>>container are cleaned about half way through, the oxide load seems greatly
>> If fresh ozonated water is used with cool water, oxide load is great.
>>If the water is warmed to about 100 deg F, bubbles form [dissolved ozygen?]
>>and dissipate [bubbles off] and the subsequent process shows a greatly
>>reduced oxide load. But, running with warm water increases hydrogen bubbles
>>sticking to the other prod [Perhaps something to do with increased vapor
>>pressure forming bigger more stable bubbles and surface tension of the
>>water.] and silver gets trapped on or under the surface of the hydrogen
>>bubbles making a gray fur that clings to one prod. When the prods are
>>removed, the bubbles break at the surface and some of this silver transfers
>>from the surface tension of the hydrogen bubbles to the surface tension of
>>the water and makes what I call a " gray floater".
>> Back to h2o2 and new silver... so far, no reaction whatsoever.
>> BTW, running the generator on straight h202 made a sour nasty tasting
>>somewhat milky liquid that foamed in the mouth.
>> Momentarily, a rabid looking coyote with a sour expression. I guess
>>even with all that violent bubbling at the electrodes going on, the o2
>>content of the h202 was pretty much unchanged.
>> Getting small bubbles coming off the new silver now [20 minutes or so]and
>>some signs of gray/black tarnish and initial signs of slight pitting.
>> Looks like h2o2 reacts somewhat violently with silver resulting in oxides
>>being blasted out of the pits? The rougher [more pitted]the silver, the
>>more surface area available, the more violent the reaction?
>> KD'C
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Make your own pure clear Colloidal Silver with a current controlled, "auto off" generator, for pennies a gallon.