In a message dated 4*9*00 4:52:14 PM, writes:

<< Certainly sounds like you over did it a bit, but it also sounds as if
you have uncovered a deep-seated infection. >>

Hello Ivan,
    Thanks for your response. 
    May I add that the nose experiment was done about two weeks ago and I 
have not done it again...but have noticed a new type of sensation in my head. 
It seems as though my head has a hollow (okay NO jokes!) sound, which causes 
and echo of sorts. I remember having this before too, when my tinnitus began 
4 years ago.
    Perhaps it is not related to the use of the hydrogen seems 
funny though that is happening after I did my little experiment. I've been 
zapping a lot extra though, in case I did let some infection lose!
Thanks again.
Love, Kathy

Hi Kathy,

I do that too...once you get past the stinging, which travels through
the whole sinus :-(, the sinus is left amazingly clear as you note :-)

Certainly sounds like you over did it a bit, but it also sounds as if
you have uncovered a deep-seated infection.

Whether the illness relates to an immune response an infection clean
up or invading H2O2 damage to the nasal tissue I couldn't say, but I
have read where, after H2O2 therapy, tumours detached from a fellows
throat and bled so much that the wound needed cauterising.

I'm not saying you had a tumour!!! Just that it is possible to react
with pathogenic masses with resultant bleeding.

However I do urge you to be careful, I would hate to think that you
are damaging your nasal tissue!

Kind regards

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