According to R.O. Becker, silver is very helpful in restoring nerve
function.  And, "heavy metals" start at atomic weight 200; silver is 107.8
and some change.

Much positive material there, but some misinformation; ignorance or
deliberate.  Who funds that group?

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha Hallett <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver - an article

>> This is a very interesting read.
>> Ivan.
>Dear Ivan, Yeah, but this part bugs me:
>"The removal of silver and other heavy metals is the function of the
>metallothioneins. These ubiquitous proteins are found in all vertebrates
>invertebrates and act to transport, store, and detoxify essential and
>nonessential trace metals. The metallothioneins chelate or agglomerate
>metals and convey them from the body. Their action can be overwhelmed by
>ingestion of excessive amounts of heavy metals. In the case of silver,
>excessive amounts may eventually deposit in the skin, giving it a gray
>color. This deposit is called argyria and cannot be removed.
>Silver, being a highly conductive metal, has been shown to have a
>deleterious effect in the presence of nerve cells. While heavy metals are
>blocked from the nervous system and the brain by the blood-brain barrier by
>a membrane whose purpose is to filter out heavy metals, certain stresses,
>such as hypoxemia (the dangerously low level of oxygen in the blood that
>occurs to some climbers at very high altitudes), may weaken this barrier."
>Silver is NOT a heavy metal, and CS has never been shown to cause argyria.
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