         I am both intrigued and curious  about the cost-effective  LLLT device
described, comprising of 5 laser pointers. Please elighten me whether the 5 
pointers incorporate the use of Light-Emitting Diodes [LED]. Light rays from
light-emitting diodes are not collimated and are also incoherent. Thanks.

With regards


> My attention has just been called to a transmission error in my earlier
> post.  The pointer arrangement should resemble the dots on the face of
> dice----for the number five.  My email program shifted the dots.              
>   My
> apologies.  Brooks Bradley.
>                 To all interested list members.
>                 Since I am, already,  at my computer to comment on  a
> post by James Holmes, I will take the occasion to relate an item which
> may be of some interest.
>                 The college-age son of one of our staff researchers came
> up with an effective---if not cosmetically attractive---unit for use by
> persons with limiited funds and/or technical expertise.  He constructed
> an effective Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) unit by combining five (5)
> laser pointers in a very simple arrangement.
>                 The pointers were purchased from the local Harbor
> Freight outlet, for a cost of $6.50 ea., plus tax.  The configuration is
> as follows:   (1)  the physical arrangement provides for the "natural"
> arrangement for five similar bodies in an idealized "space utilizing"
> configuration.  e.g.    _      _
>                                                  _
>                                              _      _
>             (2)   the operating switches (momentary, normally-open)
> require some form of constant-pressure to stay activated.  This is
> addressed by using several twists from a rubber band which contacts all
> of the four outside switches, simultaneously.
>             (3)  the center pointer's on/off switch must be taped down
> prior to arrranging the four outer units.  (4)  arrange the four outer
> units in such a manner as to have their ON/OFF switch on a line directly
> toward the center of the assembly (this provides the maximum contact
> with the restraining rubber band.   (5)  assemble the pointers in a
> manner which causes the lower, sloping sections to be parallel to each
> other.  This furnishes the closest allowable focus of the beams.  (6)
> using tape, or preferably, a properly-sized rubber band, restrain them
> in the desired configuration.  (7)  next, apply the rubber band you have
> chosen to close the Power Switches of the four outside pointers.   Some
> of you more adept-types may chose to use the same rubber band to both
> hold the assembly together----and to operate the power switches, of the
> outside pointers.   Since the four outside pointers will be in a
> divergent configuration toward the top of the assembly, some may desire
> to mechanically stabilize it.  This may be done through using short
> lengths of "popcicle sticks", thin styrofoam inserts, etc., plus a weak
> rubber band around the top of the assembly.
>                 Although this explanation may be overly cumbersome, the
> unit itself, is exceptionally simple to assemble.....and to use.  The
> power is low enough that the bulbs may be placed in direct contact with
> the outer skin (at least this has been our experience),   We have
> employed this unit for continuous periods up to 15 minutes in a single
> location, without any, detectable, adverse reactions beyond slight skin
> reddening.
>             We have found this low-power unit to be quite effective for
> applications within its power range.  The chief advantage of the LLLT
> over the LED units is that of penetrating power of the coherent light
> beam.  We have found no advantage for LLLT in conditions involving
> superficial (outer cutaneous) insults----- among the experimental
> populations.
>                             Sincerely, Brooks Bradley..
> EYE/EYES  To do so can cause PERMANENT/IRREPARABLE damage to the centra
> other retinal damage.
> --
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