> Marsha,
> Again!
> Chuck
> This message to be posted every three months...........

Dear Chuck, LOL!
Hokay, I`m gonna go make up some CS with the AC gadget, and we`ll see what
I really don`t think my batteries are dead already, as I get some golden CS,
and fuzz on the wires and all.
 My friend who is a nurse thinks maybe I got some infection in the adenoids
and that is what turned off my left ear. I don`t care what it was, I just
wish it would GO AWAY!!! I hate this...
But at least I now have empathy for the partially deaf, like the jockey of
Fu. Pegasus, (who lost the Preakness) he was kicked in the head after a fall
a few years ago. Now THAT`S nasty!
By the way, my STBX is also a Chuck. Now I call him Upchuck...

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