> >By the way, my STBX is also a Chuck. Now I call him Upchuck...
> >Marsha
> More than I need to know............
> BTW, I think I'd be using the amazing hydrogen peroxide drops in my ears
to kill
> infections.....
> Chuck

Dear Chuck, I also call him Chuck the ----. You can fill in the blanks so
many delightful ways...
Muck, yuck, and so on... :o)
I don`t think there is any more infection in the canal, as the swelling is
almost gone. I`m deaf from the inside, not the outside. It pops when I yawn
or pinch my nose and blow, but won`t clear.
No where near as annoying as it was Saturday night.
Thanks, for the input!!
Marsha, still married to Charles Wesley Hallett the Fifth (and Last)...yeah

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