Alvin…Thank you so much for the info…I never knew about the aspartame thing
although I have always been very suspicious of that and nutrasweet.
Therefore, I don’t take anything (at least consciously) with that in it and
also don’t let my kids have anything with those substances.  But I will
check that lead out …..thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alvin Rose []
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>New to List

have you looked at the idea that you may have aspertame
poisoning..I understand the symptoms are close to MS  etc.
Diet pepsi and coke and some artificial sweetners such as
nutrasweet contain aspertame..said to be a very dangerous
chemical which acumulates in areas of the body and is difficult to undo.
There is information in the archives on this list. so with a little
you can find it...Maybe Mike can tell you where it is.
Jeannie wrote:
I’m saying hello again, as I never got a response to my original post.What a
way to greet a new poster.I would be nice if someone responded, even if it
were to say they didn’t know the answer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeannie Kiefer []
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2000 11:42 PM
Subject: CS>New to List
Hi to all... I just subscribed to this list because I found colloidal silver
(again).  A few years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, after spending
3 years being misdiagnosed and almost crippled.  After finally receiving
antibiotic therapy and my body not tolerating such after a couple of years,
I turned to alternative medicine.  Several homeopaths and nutritionists had
told me about colloidal silver, so I began to do my own investigation on the
limited literature available at the time.
I found that it really helped me alot and after about a year, I fell off the
wagon (so to speak) because I was feeling pretty good.  About 8 months ago,
I started slipping again into a stupor, double vision, trouble with speech
and gait and once again started on the travails to find out what was wrong.
It again is a question mark between MS and CNS Lyme Disease.. I guess my
question right now is, if it is MS, will taking the Colloidal Silver hurt me
in any way.  Does anyone know anything about this?
Thank you and good health to all of you,