Hi Marshall
With the Beck Devices it's just a matter of not taking toxic substances
and treat yourself until you have completely recovered...Problems
that are not in the blood takes a little longer and the magnetic pulser
is required for lymph node and tumor recovery as you have to
treat the areas affected...good magnetic power projection is
required for the pulser and colloidal silver to help the immune system.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> rob gr wrote:
> > Hey, need some feedback from some Lymies out there.  For those trying to
> > come back from later stage lyme... How long before you saw improvement/
> > remission?  also, any one have similar symptoms: burning sensations,
> > inflamation, and muscle spasms before using CS and did this resolve any
> > and/or all of these problems? Finally, did others use CS alone or in
> > conjunction with Antibiotics?
> >
> > thanks,
> > rob
> > in memphis
> My sister in Memphis who was in the later stages used CS alone, but hit a
> plateau.  She then started using Beck's 4 step protocol and was symptom free
> in about 2 months.  The slowest part was using the magnetic pulsar on the
> lymph system, there are so many nodes, she would clear it out of one area
> then move on to another area.  By the time she was through, some swelling had
> returned to the initially treated areas, so this took a look of work to
> completely clear out.
> Marshall
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