In a message dated 6/21/00 7:07:39 PM EST, writes:

<< Roger
 Guess it is time to get back to work! I hear "what are they talking about"
 chatter and we are taking a lot of bandwidth with our jousting match -

Fred: Yes, we may be taking some bandwidth, but it's also a tad more 
important,  IMHO, then exchanging home remedies.
 would love to get a sample and test however I can! 

Fred: I'll send you a liter of my 1 PPM HVAC CS brew. Knock yourself out! 

I am hopeful of enrolling a friend in the local water works to run some tests 
for me! They have become so well equipped and staffed that they do contract 
work for
 outsiders and our local water report shows tests results for over 50 items,
 mostly in the PPB range. I can not test efficiency but they may have some
 slimy stuff  I can culture!

Fred: I'd love to see the results of side by side tests -- Fred's vintage 
('93 was a good year, don't you think) LVDC CS vs Roger's HVAC ("weird 
science") CS. Of course, you'll run the tests at 1 PPM, right?
 PII, 3516 Delilah Drive, Cape Coral, FL. 33993
 I have only one other sample now as the last one submitted leaked and
 dissolved the Bio-degradeable peanut packing ...

Fred: That HVAC CS is wicked stuff. Think it's the low pH, or the nitr.... ?


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