At 11:02 PM 6/21/2000, you wrote:
 I can not test efficiency but they may have some
 slimy stuff  I can culture!
Maybe an ad in the paper,  "Tough hold man looking for some slime to kill!"

Fred: I'd love to see the results of side by side tests -- Fred's vintage
('93 was a good year, don't you think) LVDC CS vs Roger's HVAC ("weird
science") CS. Of course, you'll run the tests at 1 PPM, right?
 1% it shall be!

 I have only one other sample now as the last one submitted leaked and
 dissolved the Bio-degradeable peanut packing ...

Fred: That HVAC CS is wicked stuff. Think it's the low pH, or the nitr.... ?
If it can kill a big peanut, bacteria should be easy - no 'N' words!

 Actually, the link I gave you before was not about structured water
but "memory of water" and his 1,000's of tests showed that he had to vortex
the water for 10 seconds (rapid mixing with pipetting (sp) had no effect) and
then he could dilute 100K:1 without a therapeutic loss. I want to try that with
 "our" Cs, when the slime is found. May have to buy a microscope to do that!

Quoting him again:
"we demonstrated that what supports the activity at high
dilutions is not a molecule. (4) Whatever its nature, it is capable of 'reproducing' subtle molecular variations, such as the rearrangement of the variable region of
  an IgG (anti-E versus anti-gamma) molecule.

Water could act as a 'template' for the molecule, for example by an infinite
  hydrogen-bonded network, or electric and magnetic fields.

Heating, freeze-thawing or ultrasonication suppressed the
  activity of highly diluted solutions, but not the activity of several active
  compounds at high concentrations. A striking feature was that molecules
reacted to heat according to their distinctive heat sensitivity, whereas all highly
  diluted solutions ceased to be active between 70 and 8O°C."

(Reread that last sentence a few times! The structuring is erasable!)

Thanks for getting the sample off to me - I will not be a smart alec with the tests!