On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:42:33 -0400, "Dave Perkins"
<dperk...@betterwayhealth.com> wrote:

>Good information on distilled water - to think I used to drink this all the
>time thinking it was the best water to help my cancer recovery - it was all
>that I knew at the time.
>Note: Chet also used to be a big proponent of distilled water
>Speaking of natural health gurus, a lot of them will also tell
>you distilled water is the only water to put in your body.
> But, over the years, I've corresponded with too many people
>with hair loss and other possible deficiency problems who didn't
>do well with distilled water long-term.
>Although I still recommend distilled water for 21-day programs
>and for detox periods, I no longer think it's the way to go for
>the rest of your life. It was nice to see some confirmation of
>my thinking from a medical doctor who specializes in natural

The problem then arises -- what water do you drink??

All city water, rural water systems, reverse-osmosis systems, and
other water systems that produce "soft" water removes the bad stuff as
well as the stuff we need.  Just about 100% of the population of all
industrialized countries have been drinking this for more than a

About the only water available is that from your own well or a natural

Luckily, we have a deep well (but in farm country where there's heavy
use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides).  They dogs
and cats often get their water from that well.  So does the garden and
lawn.  Looks like I'm going to have to get it tested for use as
drinking water.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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