Scharbach wrote:

> Sparrow
> Here is a reprint from the gentleman that provided the instructions.
> "What Wiley did at the rip old age of 12 or 13 was hook a sparkplug to the
> end of the wire and then run the ground end (where the threads are) into a
> 12 volt coil off an old A model, but any old coil will do. The bottom
> connector of the coil that used to go to the points is hooked to the
> positive side of the battery. The negative side of the battery is hooked to
> a good earth ground and a 1 to 3 KV capacitor (a few microfarad type like
> those found in the horizontal section of a television  chassis) is hooked
> from ground back to the wire where the top of the sparkplug is connected.
> That's it! Nothing should be touching ground except the ground post of the
> battery.

I am trying t make a schematic of this.  You indicate that the capacitor should
connect to ground, then state that nothing but the battery should connnect to
ground. :<

Typically a coil has the low end of both windings connected together.  Where do
I connect this point?



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