NOTE: this can be targeted to, and I quote:

    "The antigen-recognition process is so precise
     that it has the potential to discriminate between
     closely related species."

     For example, RACE based targeting for chemical
     'castration' ?  The result is the same.

Ok folks, this one is a complete friggin nightmare
waiting to happen.  We are talking the possible
elimination of ALL MAMMALS, which of course humans

Do your best to contact these utter fools before they
get much further.  Contact one such dimwit at:

Say, "Are you and your colleagues FRIGGIN NUTS !?"

And be prepared as he will likely argue that this
stuff is all over your head and that "measures" have
been taken that this "designer" virus will never
"mutate" into something a little different, or some
other such NON-SENSE, as if we can control what ANY
life form becomes in the future, anymore than we can
determine what our OWN great-grandchildren will be
doing.  Give me a break, the arrogance and
irresponsibility of these scientists and doctors, so
called 'experts', give them NO respect, yank them from
their self-created pedestals, They are idiots !, lack
common sense, and should NOT be given such free reign
with our fate.

Click on an object to see an explanation of how
viral-vectored immunocontraception will work in the
For more information, including the work on other
species, see the Research Strategy.

The Vertebrate Biocontrol CRC is working to control
Australia's major pest problems using the modern tools
of biotechnology.  The aim is to develop contraceptive
vaccines specifically designed for vertebrate pests,
which will 'trick' the immune system to attack the
pests' eggs and sperm as though they were foreign
cells, resulting in infertility.  Delivery of the
vaccine will be through baits, or preferably through
the agency of a virus which spreads naturally through
the target pest population.  The vaccines are created
by genetically modifying the carrier virus to include
sperm, egg (gametes) or other key reproductive
proteins (antigens).  The product is a modified virus,
which during infection of the pest, causes an immune
response which attacks the animal's own gametes
preventing fertilisation.  The use of a
virally-vectored vaccine for fertility control should
allow humane management of animal populations with
minimal cost and human intervention.


The immune system protects the body against microbial
infection and potentially toxic foreign substances.
Specialised white blood cells called lymphocytes
constantly patrol the body, identifying and destroying
viruses, bacteria or foreign compounds that could pose
a threat to the body. Among the front-line defenders
are antibody-secreting B-lymphocytes. During embryonic
development, B-lymphocytes learn to ignore "self"
antigens - proteins and other components of the body's
own tissues so by default, immune systems will attack
any foreign ("non-self") antigens the animal may
encounter in its lifetime.

Vertebrate Biocontrol CRC scientists will attempt to
deliver antigens derived from the egg's zona pellucida
and sperm into feral mammals, in such a way that the
immune system will recognise them as foreign and
attack them with antibodies - a cellular equivalent of
"friendly fire". This would disrupt the crucial
biochemical dialogue between sperm and egg, rendering
the animal sterile.

The CRC's molecular biologists have already identified
a number of candidate sperm and egg antigens in the
rabbit and fox, and cloned the genes that encode them
(see Rabbit and Fox breakouts).

In theory, immunocontraception should be highly
selective. It should be possible to develop a cat or
rabbit immunocontraceptive vaccine that would not
affect any other species, be it a marsupial, a native
rodent, a livestock species or a human being. The
antigen-recognition process is so precise that it has
the potential to discriminate between closely related
species. Although foxes, wolves and dogs are cousins
in the canid family, a vaccine based on fox-specific
antigens should have no effect on Australia's native
dog, the dingo, or on domestic dogs. But realising
this potential is a major challenge facing the CRC.

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