> Okay, you're right. I can do it myself :o)  I just want someone to take
> of me. But the truth is, it's good for me to take responsibility and take
> care of myself.
> In the most simple terms possible (I have zero experience with chemistry,
> electronics, etc.) how do I make the stuff??
> Thanks, Marsha!!
> Katie

Dear Katie,
Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:

You`ll need 3 nine-volt batteries, (Lithiums last 4 times longer than
alkalines, if you can afford them, about 21 bucks at Radio Shack)
2  five inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling
as it has other metals in it.)
2 alligator clips, (the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic coated
wire, 2 sets actually, also available at the Shack)
2 cups of distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (always use glass to
make CS in. I have a cup used solely for making my CS in.)
A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.
An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in.

Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust or
soap residue.
 Take the batteries and snap them together, one on top of the other two.
This will leave two empty posts. Connect the silver wires to the posts with
the two alligator clips.
Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about 1
inch apart.
If they tend to float around, put a candycane bend in the top of the wires
and hang that over the lip of the cup.
It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it.
Now leave it for about 30 minutes. You may notice some bubbles coming off
one wire, and fine wisps of gold coming off the other, that is the Colloid
forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water. There will be a buildup
of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but wipe it off
with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30 minutes. This
gives a CS of about 18 PPM.  The longer it sits the higher the PPM.
When finished wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the green
scrubber, and detach the batteries. Store it all in a ziploc bag to keep it
 I take 3 big swallows a day for an active infection, sometimes even more.
One a day for a preventive. I use it topically too, and even in the
eyes. It is mild and doesn`t sting. Doesn`t taste too bad either. Some folks
notice a metallic tang, others don`t.
Let me know if you have any questions. I`m glad to help!
PS, I still have some silver wire available.

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