Fibromyalgia and essential oils: Here is a little I saved on Fibro.... I apologize if it is off topic, but thought it might be helpful. If anyone wants additional information, I would be glad to send it to you privately. Karen
Here is copy from Essential Oils Online #006 that discusses Fibromyalgia. Essential Oil application... For Fibromyalgia: An excellent approach is to MASSAGE the bottom of the feet & liver area with Young Living ImmuPower & Pane Away Essential Oils. Birch & Spruce essential oils may be added to the massage mixture. Anti-inflammatory oils to try include Birch, Helichrysum, Lavender, Myrrh, Patchouly, Rosemary, & Rosewood. You may also try Young Living Ortho Ease for a full body massage...or do a Raindrop Therapy Procedure (RDT) See the January Issue of EOO. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********** WHAT PEOPLE SAY "A friend introduced me to the oils. This was my last resort. I had LUPUS in its last stages & with that I had FIBROMYALGIA & RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Needless to say I hurt ALL the time. There was never a moment that I wasn't in pain. The doctors had prescribed Tylox, Demerol, Loritab 750 plus muscle relaxers that I took every four hours along with pain medicine. I can remember being so bad my husband had to put a towel around my neck to pull me in place in bed & to get me back up. He was afraid to leave me alone. The doctor's didn't know what to do with me. I can remember one day at the doctor's office my blood pressure had skyrocketed to 195 0ver 130. They wouldn't let me leave & I lay there while they worked to get it back down. When I got in extreme pain it always elevated my blood pressure. Due to my health problems I had to quit my job 1 1/2 years ago. Because we were looking at me being in a wheel chair all the time, we had to move...the house we had was not wheel chair friendly. My health the past two years has just been on a landslide downward. I even got double pneumonia on top of everything else. Now the GOOD NEWS!!! I have been using Essential Oils now for two months & I am happy to report I am OUT OF PAIN! I can not express my joy enough. Even went to a hockey game - no wheel chair was needed! My husband calls my oils my American Express Card 'doesn't go anywhere without them.' I used Young Living Essential Pain Away, Oil, Relieve It, & Lavender Oil for the pain then added Present Time Oil for the Lupus. At first I used Pane Away Oil every 20 minutes. Now I use it just twice a day. I am off ALL my pain medicine. Don't even take Motrin or Aspirin, & NOW feel I have a life again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: "Francie Smart Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 My husband & I had been told by 3 separate caregivers, two massage therapists & one chiropractor, that he most likely had fibromyalgia. I read a lot on the subject & came to the same conclusion. He had had medical diagnosis many years in the past & several M.D.s had said the same thing - that is that the pain he had was not diagnosable, but he would just have to learn how to deal with the pain. My husband was totally disabled with this pain, we lost our business to medical bills & eventually were on SSI & welfare for about 2 years while I went to school to learn a skill for the work place; & we tried to learn to cope with him being almost always bedridden. Several things happened that caused him to recover to a degree, but he has never again entered the work force because his pain was still too unreliable. Early this year, I read the Miracle of MSM, then I found out that Dr. Lawrence was a distributor with YLEO & since that was already MY company of choice, I ordered Sulfurzyme. Within about 3 weeks my husband was no longer complaining daily of pain. I was no longer massaging him daily & he started doing more & more around the house. He started to restore a car, finished it, sold it and, bought another to restore. He is busy, healthy, & almost 100% pain free. Occasionally he has a "set back", but we consider Sulfurzyme to our miracle supplement. Before Sulfurzyme, I used Birch & Valor on him regularly. On the very worst of days, I used PanAway & Relieve It, depending on whether he felt like he had muscled or bone pain. Marjoram, Birch, & Valor are the only oils we use on a regular basis now & only Valor everday for 4 or 5 days & then 3 or 4 off. Francie Smart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour <>