> As a relatively new member to this group, I was quite distressed by the > above post by Dr. Altman. If the above is true, then why is it being > touted by this list and cs manufacturers as being equivalent to > antibiotics? I have long-term Lyme and in perusing the archives of this > list and in speaking with several members here, I was fairly confident > that I could use cs with good results. > > If that is not the case, then I obviously seriously need to rethink what > I am currently doing. > > All feedback is appreciated. Since I get this list in digest form, posts > cc'd to me as well as posted to the list, would be helpful. Thank you. > > Hope
Dear Hope, It made me shake my head, as CS, taken internally, is what cured me of Lyme, and nothing else! I have read post after post on the Lyme ng, for over 4 years, from folks saying how, once they had stopped their abx, their Lyme recurred. Not one could actually claim the abx had cured them. Some say they aren`t totally cured with CS, but all have reported that they do feel much better than they did with abx. Others say that CS in combination with the "zapper" has done the trick. We are all different, we have to keep trying. In my opinion, CS is really worth it. It did cure me, thank God! You have nothing to lose trying CS, and hopefully it will do as well for you as it did for me!! Love and best wishes, Marsha -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>