In a message dated 7/4/00 6:35:49 PM EST, writes:

<< "On the other hand, I have noticed rather poor results with colloidal
 silver when it is used systemically. As a matter of fact, personal
 and that of others as well, has shown that CS does NOT compare well to
 antibiotics when used in this manner."
 As a relatively new member to this group, I was quite distressed by the
 above post by Dr. Altman. If the above is true, then why is it being
 touted by this list and cs manufacturers as being equivalent to
 antibiotics? I have long-term Lyme and in perusing the archives of this
 list and in speaking with several members here, I was fairly confident
 that I could use cs with good results.
 If that is not the case, then I obviously seriously need to rethink what
 I am currently doing.
 All feedback is appreciated. Since I get this list in digest form, posts
 cc'd to me as well as posted to the list, would be helpful. Thank you.

Hope: Another lister who was just as concerned about my remarks as you 
contacted me directly. Here is a copy of my response to that individual which 
I hope will put my views in a more appropriate context with regard to Lyme 
disease, or any other debilitating illness for which conventional medicine 
offers, shall we say, controvercial procedures. 

I meant that statement as a GENERAL & PERSONAL observation. I have read 
accounts of people suffering from Lyme disease who are convinced that CS got 
rid of Lyme disease FOR THEM. So please DO NOT read too much into my 
statement. I'm trying to draw out the good professor so I don't want to 
complicate my question too much with a bunch of qualifiers. Personally, if I 
had Lyme disease, I'd think long and hard before starting with antibiotics 
because the results apparently have been mixed at best. Maybe if caught early 
enough antibiotics would be the way to go. I don't know. If I caught it late, 
I'd be drinking pints, if not quarts, of my HVAC CS DAILY, and I would 
definitely check out the remarkable studies and results by Messrs. Beck and 
Becker. Look up silver lister's commentary about the work of these two 
gentlemen (and others, Dr. Clark, for example) in the archives section. The 
Best of Luck, Roger 

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