GERDS is caused by a weakness of the muscle at the end
of the esophagus, where it empties into the stomach. 
Normally, after food or drink is swallowed, this
muscle closes tightly to stop anything from going back
up into the esophagus.  When this muscle becomes weak,
gastric juices are allowed back into the esophagus,
which causes severe pain as it contacts the delicate
mucus membranes and burns through them into
unprotected tissue.  

There are no exercises which will strengthen this
muscle.  Anyone with GERDS attempting to do situps
will probably experience excruciating pain, as the
tightening of the abdominal muscles would push against
the stomach and, in a reclining position, make it even
easier for gastric juices to go past the weak valve
and up into the esophagus.  

I had GERDS, and at times thought I was having a heart
attack, the pain in my chest was so bad.  There is a
relatively new procedure, using laparoscopy, which
makes repairing this problem feasible.  A portion of
the top of the stomach is gathered around the bottom
of the esophagus and stitched into place to assist the
weak muscle.  I had this procedure done 6 years ago
and have not had any reflux discomfort since.  I can
eat anything, at any time, and can sleep in a flat bed
once again.  This surgery has the added benefit (for
me anyway) of reducing the size of the stomach, so I
lost some weight.  Gained it all back, of course, but
it was glorious to be slender for a while again.


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