
But, Ole Bob, what was the effect on the CTS?
Did it work and how well?


"Robert L. Berger" wrote:
> Kieth;
> This might seem a bit drastic, but remove the wire from one spark plug
> on your car. Then start the engine and using a piece of plastic, zap the
> carpal tunnel area with several jolts.
> Sounds weird, well a former  missionary in Mexico told me that they all
> carry stun guns to take care of poisonous snake bites.
> I have a 20 kv zapper that I used to de-static color film and I have
> used it on carpal tunnel problems as well a wasp stings.
> This small zapper was also used to remove the dust from the old vinal
> records. The unit was made in England.
> When I told my hunter son about it, I was advised that they all knew
> that.
> "Ole Bob"
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