> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <brick...@aol.com>
> > I use food grade 35% H2O2 and I drink a diluted mixture, 5 drops in 8
> ounces
> > of water.  I read the O2 does you good as that is what our cells eat to
> keep
> > running.
> > Brickey
> Brickey,
> (Snip)
> H2O2 ingestion is said to be beneficial, but for reasons other than that
> which you mention, or oxygenation, another commonly held belief.
> Regards
> Ivan.


        You say that H2O2 is "said" to be beneficial.  From that are you
that H2O2 is NOT beneficial?  I also thought I read that zappers are
believed to work by producing oxygen in the blood, which in turn travels
thru the blood stream and zaps all of those little bad guys.   Are these
old wives tales?  Please explain.


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