Another help with gastric reflux is to drink a glass of water with two
teaspoons of apple cider vinegar [containing mother of vinegar]
throughout a meat meal.  Particularly an evening meal.  [Worked for

I have read that you should not combine carbohydrate with meat in the
same meal if you have that problem.

I find if I leave out the meat and just have stack of veg for the
evening meal, reflux does not occur.  Eating 5 small meals throughout
the day instead of 3 larger ones also is supposed to work.

Of course, if you have just one meal - that starts at breakfast and
goes through to bedtime - you are bound to get gastric reflux! :)


> I have had this problem and some of it is caused by the use of some
> drugs. At least I have to include that as I have a serious lung
disease and
> have to have some of these in my life. But I watched in the past
some of my
> problems with Gerds and when they seemed to occur. I done some
studying and
> reading and started to wonder as to the real cause of some of it. I
> that high protein foods, meat and the like, seemed to effect this in
me. I
> also read where the stomach is effected at times and does not
produce enough
> acid to start digestion of meats.

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