Okay. What is the Tyndall effect? All I could find is that Tyndall(John)
was an Irish physicist. Also, where might one purchase a mechanism for

>Is it John?
>Stirring really helps distribute the ionic cloud away from the anode as the
>atoms are being released during production.  If you can get them disbursed
>in the water with stirring, they tend not to agglomerate.  It makes a much
>better product.  It will be crystal clear with no color if you keep it
>under 15-20 PPM.  Will also have a minimal Tyndall effect.
>Constant Current Colloid Generators
>At 03:02 PM 7/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>Is stirring necessary?
>> >JO\ohn;
>> >
>> >Make your own genterator, all you need is a DC power source, a digital
>> >multimeter, stirring motor, and two pieces of #14 sliver .999 or better and
>> >some clip leads.
>> >
>> >Contact me off list and I can probvide more detailed info.
>> >
>> >"Ole Bob"
>> >
>> >
>> >
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