My 19-month-old granddaughter has just gone through some grueling hospital 
tests (blood, x-ray, catheterization, IV's, etc.) to determine why she has 
been having multiple diarrhea stools (mostly water) and unable to keep 
anything down for 4 days.  In fact, she could not even drink water (without 
immediately throwing up) and had to be put on IV's because of dehydration.  
She lost 10% of her body weight in three days.  If this had happened 150 
years ago, she would have died.  Today we finally got word on the culprit 
after all the tests were analyzed:  Salmonella.  The docs told her parents 
there's nothing they can do with Salmonella, that it has to run its course, 
though she is now able to drink and keep food down.

My $64,000 question (-er, I guess today it should be $1 million question):  
Do you think that ingestion of CS could knock out the Salmonella bug faster?

Christy B.
Columbia, MO

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