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I am a human becoming...help me to become...
PLANETNEWS broadcast

Dear Andy,

When are you going to take down the hoax bit on aspartame from the trade 
organizations who have been funded by Monsanto. Monsanto writes their 
material.  Of course, we have exposed the aspartame issue all over the 
world now so Monsanto sold the company.  But as Mohammed Ali said: "They 
can run but they can't hide".  All About.Com has to do is go to 
www.dorway.com and read the Bressler Report, FDA audit, history of coming 
to market (studies were the target of an indictment for fraud which was not 
carried out because the defense team hired the prosecutors), FDA 
Toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross' letters to Congress, the protest of the 
National Soft Drink Association, the damning CDC investigation, secret 
trade information, FDA report of 92 symptoms, UPI investigation etc. to 
know that Aspartame Disease is a world epidemic and a deadly, deadly 
chemical poison.  There is a river of information from physicians - 600 
pages which print out to 8000.

You denied Dave Rietz of www.dorway.com the right to put information on 
About.com when the web site was set up.  Instead you accepted false 
information from the trade organizations.  See Major Aspartame Crimes on 
www.dorway.com - click the skull and crossbones.

Now because we've exposed it all over the world they are on the hoax bit 
again, now published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution with YOUR WEB SITE 
to mislead people further.  Here is one of the letters sent to the 

Because of this DORway is setting up the Hall of Shame dedicated to the 
Constitution.  Do the right thing, Andy, and put the truth on your web site 
instead of a pack of lies.  I AM THE ONE WHO LECTURED FOR THE WORLD 
ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE and wrote the post that made world news even 
though it was published under the name of Nancy Markle, title changed and 
some alterations.  However, www.dorway.com/nomarkle.html and 
www.nancymarkle.com has been set up with doctor's confirmation of the 
problems I discussed, my invitation to speak and correspondence with Dr. 
Clarice Gaylord who gave the keynote address and said "We have an epidemic 
of MS and lupus and cannot identify the toxin".  You know now, that gives 
you responsibility and I've told you this.

Do the right thing so this letter also doesn't end up in the Hall of 
Shame!  When you stumble the public it can cause death.  Time Magazine 
wrote a Monsanto commercial and stumbled some people.  Phyllis (Aspartame 
Survivors Support Group) thought it was a hoax and got back on 
aspartame.  The seizures started again.  She then realized it was not a 
hoax and got off aspartame and the seizures stopped again and have never 
returned.  Stumbling by Time Magazine could have taken  her life with a 
grand mal seizure.  For this and many others who were stumbled and resumed 
deadly aspartame symptoms, Time Magazine was given the l999 Mission 
Possible Award for the most deceitful journalism.  They even published 
Monsanto's quote - Sweeten Your Life Without Shortening it.  Obviously not 
an unbiased article and they knew I was the author and really lectured for 
the World Environmental Conference.  Your misleading and false information 
from the trade organizations can likewise cause disability and death.  Is 
that what About.com is all about!

The decision to have a responsible site or be known for the publishing 
false information is yours!    How can you allow information on your site 
when YOU KNOW ITS FALSE.?  The records on www.dorway.com prove it 
so.   Read on about a life that was shattered because she received false 
information that aspartame was a safe additive, and had no idea it 
originally had a drug application and in reality is a deadly neurotoxin, as 
discussed in Congress.

Betty Martini, Founder
Mission Possible International  (warning the world off aspartame)
>From: "MR.B" <barba...@email.msn.com>
>To: <constitut...@ajc.com>
>Subject: Aspartame  and MS is NOT a hoax!
>Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 14:07:14 -0500
>Organization: Microsoft Corporation
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
>Dear Editor:
>I was in my third year of medical school when I started having symptoms from
>aspartame, and finally was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I divorced
>because my husband wanted children and I had no
>idea that aspartame changes the menses and causes infertility.
>I was told at 36 that I was post-menopausal. Had I NOT been referred to Dr.
>Robert's paper, 'Aspartame mimics MS', by my former Biochem professor, I
>would probably be dead.  I read Dr. Roberts
>position paper 'MS or Aspartame Disease' and went to www.dorway.com and read
>ALL the case histories. I realized that my health problems were aspartame
>related and began my detox from this poison.
>Today I am 90% improved and at 45yrs, AM ovulating.  Aspartame Disease
>shattered my life.  Today I would be a physician and have a family of
>children had I not used aspartame, unaware
>that it was a chemical poison.
>How dare you, intentionally MISINFORM readers that the  aspartame/MS issue
>is a hoax.! You are stumbling the public and could be responsible for the
>disability and death of ALL READERS.  Yours is THE WORST kind of journalism.
>What kind of reporter doesn't do a search on aspartame, read congressional
>records and
>doctors reports?
>If you don't print my letter or retract your misinformation, the world will
>NEVER stop hearing about what you  are doing to MISINFORM the public!  Your
>IRRESPONSIBLE journalism has scraped below the bottom of the barrel!  People
>everywhere are being misdiagnosed as having MS, Lupus, Fibro-myalgia,
>Parkinsonism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome et al, but when they are informed and
>detox, they  ARE returning to active, useful lives.
>We recently buried a 36yr old LAPD policelady and part time teacher, who was
>a Diet Coke addict.  She   had EVERY SYMPTOM and died of  brain tumors.  I
>attended  her funeral. The brain tumors were triggered just like the ones
>identified in the government's own original studies [Bressler Report] on
>  It amazes me, how  you people could  concoct such trash.  Be responsible!
>READ the Bressler Report; R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H and access the "Trocho" study;and
>Ermelle Martinez
>Mission Possible LA
>1914 Old Prieur St.
>N.O., LA 70116

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