Dear Christy;

                I totally agree with Dudly that salmonella will quickly
die with even a very small amount of CS of almost any strength even down
to 1 PPM.  While I have not personally done any lab tests on own
microscope with salmonella cultures . I hope to in the future to get the
time to do that and others . My customers have told me of their success
with it . Also not one of us on this list ,that I know of , has ever had
any evidence of a situation where CS has failed . to stop any of the
three major pathogens that cause all disease.
            Somewhere in all of my stuff I have a story of a remote
place where a public well at a village had a public drinking cup that
was dipped in a 3-5 PPM solution . The bactericidal /sterilizing effect
remained for 5 days. This is pretty amazing to say the least.

                With Gods Love

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