
> In a message dated 7/20/00 8:10:16 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << They were made from depleated uranium.  It is about as radioactive as lead.
>  A banana has more activity.
>  Marshall
>   >>
> exerpt
> Communities near DU weapons plants, testing facilities, bases and arsenals
> have also been exposed to this radioactive material which has a half-life of
> 4.4 billion years. DU-weapons are deployed with U.S. troops in Bosnia. The
> spreading toxicity of depleted uranium threatens life everywhere.
> DU weapons are not conventional weapons. They are highly toxic, radioactive
> weapons. All international law on warfare has attempted to limit violence to
> combatants and to prevent the use of cruel and unfocused weapons.
> International agreements and conventions have tried to protect civilians and
> non-combatants from the scourge of war and to outlaw the destruction of the
> environment and the food supply in order to safeguard life on earth.

I have checked and I admit I was wrong.  It is not as radioactive as the 
40 in a banana (about 1/4 as much), but it is a long half life heavy metal. U238
is an alpha. beta and X-Ray emitter.


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