The saline for contacts has preservatives in it.  About how much is .9
of a gram ( in terms for the decimally challenged )?  Isn't a gram about
the weight of a dime?  I had found the 'recipe' but have no way to
measure metric units.  A good estimate such as 1/4 tsp. will be very
helpful.  If you're not too busy.  Thanks

Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Saline solution is .9% sodium chloride in water.  To make saline solution put 
> .9 gram
> of salt into a liter of distilled water.
> However if you are wanting to make CS for putting into the eyes, I would 
> simply add
> .9% salt into the CS.
> I am pretty sure that some of the contact lens solutions are pure saline.  
> Check the
> label.
> Marshall
> Henry Reed wrote:
> > Where do you get the saline solution?  I've tried 2 pharmacies and they
> > won't sell it to me.  Broncho saline yes, normal saline no.
> > '
> >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Good tip, saline instead of distilled water for eyedrops.
> > > My homemade drops burn a bit.
> > >                                                 Chuck
> > > Oh, no, not another learning experience!
> > >
> > > On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 10:52:38 -0500, "Liz Pavek" <> 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >Heather, my daughter, who is also on this list, suggested CS. My response
> > > >was that I knew it would work, but it burned like fire in the eyes.  She
> > > >responded with "it's the distilled water. Dilute it in pure saline, and 
> > > >it
> > > >should be ok." Once I started using the CS, the pain went away quickly, 
> > > >and
> > > >the inflammation began to subside right away.
> > >
> > > --
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