>"Philip I. Marie Sr." wrote:

>> Interesting-ly enough, I just read a book by "Wayne Green" on the
>>secrets to good health. It's 80 pages of neat info. His thoughts are, we
>>were evolved on raw food and that's what the body is designed to handle.
>>Cooked food is toxic.
>> I like his thinking on this. He speaks of raw meat, how good it tastes,
>>and how it passes through you quickly. Says you will have 3, loose, bowel
>>movements a day on a raw food diet. Then says if your afraid of raw
>>hamburger, *soak it in CS*.

>My primary concern for raw meat is trichinosis.  I don't think CS kills worms.

Hi Marshal;

I always thought it was limited to pork but looked it up.

trichinosis (tr¾k1õ-nÅ2s¾s) n.

A disease caused by eating undercooked meat, usually pork, that contains
trichinae, which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the
muscles, causing intestinal disorders, fever, nausea, muscular pain, and
edema of the face.

I know sushi is raw fish and a popular dish. Guess worms are a risk but as
a kid I remeber eating raw hamburger and beef.

Phil Sr.

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