Dear Marshall and Bob,
My MOM was really sick, I diagnosed her with a pneumonia and pleuritis
(chronic) She suffered this disease for about 3 years (The pleuritis) and
she never complained, but the complication with pneumonia produced  very
alarming symptoms. I made an X-Ray picture of the lungs showing the problem.
Gave her antibiotics, and non steroids anti-inflammatory medicine. She
improved say 70% but the symptoms remained.
I gave her Cell Food (The complete kit) the concentrated, the multivitamins
the silica, and the DHEA formulas.
In two days the pain gone, she started to breath really well and... her gray
hair was transforming in black hair, it started to grow again (she had
allopecia), the skin at hands was without wrinkles, same the face. she
started to move and walk and to EAT (The last 2 years she ate really poor)
she felt energetic and start to walk around the corner (right now she walks
3 miles daily) Her age 85 years old. I repeated the X Rays; No signs of the
lung problem, and the bad breath (You cannot talk with her because she had a
very strong halitosis) disappeared. The miracle was made with all of this,
but the results were accelerated or consolidated with the use of Cell Food.
Just my report.
Alex Torres M.D.
P.S. I have a non-profit clinic in Tijuana and Mexicali for the treatment of
Cancer and AIDS, and we get some fiduciary help selling Cell Food and other
anti-cancer natural compounds. If interested please follow all the links and
go to:
Is in Spanish, but look for the "English" word for a more deep explanation.
other link: if this do not work)

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 8:20 AM
Subject: CS>DHEA

I just received "The Micro Silver Bullet", and in it Dr. Paul Farber
discusses DHEA.
He says "blocks cancer and cardiovascular disease and it retards aging."

Anyone here have any experience with it?  I had never heard of it before.



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