----- Original Message -----
From: <rogalt...@aol.com>
>  Roger,
>  I should have said "I do not believe that metals can enter the blood
>  stream other than as ions..."
>  Ok?
>  Ivan.
>   >>
> Ivan: Well, assuming you are correct in your statement above (Sorry,
but I
> don't recall if you offered us any proof), then silver can enter the
> only if it is already ionized, or through a redox reaction. Therefore,
if the
> predominant form of the CS you are taking happens to be nonionic,
wouldn't a
> redox reaction render all the CS available, and if this conclusion is
> why would particle size be all that important (some evidence to the
> notwithstanding) since redox reactions will yield individual silver
ions for
> all submicron size particles and probably for particles of around a
micron as
> well. If I am correct, then wouldn't this conclusion explain why most
> have had good success with crudely made (preparations with relatively
> particles, but still mostly in the micron size range) CS? Roger

Quite right Roger, all forms of CS seem to be effective, including those
made with salt.

Particle size and charge has a major influence on the colloid stability
and shelf life, and may also play a part in how much is able to be
absorbed though the intestinal lining before it is moved on down the
line, larger particles taking longer to ionise than smaller.


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