Hi all,
I joined this list to learn about CS and its applications.  I also appreciate 
the off topics as it breaks up some of the more technical aspects of CS, most 
of which are above me at the moment. I'm sure many people on the list make 
their own, but for now I'll buy mine and  just skip through those posts. 
Another reason I joined was not only to learn about CS for myself but for my 
cats.  I've been through the archives and noticed not much is related to the 
treatment of animals. Has anyone used CS on their pets?  For what reason? Did 
it help?
I have had a very lethal, mutant virus come in my home with one of my cats. 
(Absolutely no cure in the vet. world) I have under 10 cats but most are 
under 1 yr.  Due to the youth of these animals and their underdeveloped 
immune systems, I have watched three die, with a fourth getting ill.  I put 
my "500ppm" CS in their water.  I did have a high postive reading on one cat 
and she was under the weather for a month and a half, I assumed I would loose 
her BUT she has taken a turn for the better.  Could CS kill/end a virus? I 
now am treating my 4 month old kitten with CS in the morn and Essiac in the 
eve. I am anxious to see if CS will help this as it would be a miraculous 
event and sure rock the animal world for these viral demons.
I apologize ahead if this mail is not what you got on the CS list for but I 
think if CS helps humans so much...why not animals? I belong to a feline list 
for natural health care (thats how I found this list) and they have mentioned 
CS occasionally but nothing that has helped.

I've learned "a little about alot" in so many areas, thanks.

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