Daer Bob,

I wish you and many of the neat people I meet on the net lived nearby. :( 
Maybe one day we can start closed residential communities of people we cull
from the net and invite to live in said community.  That would stop the
common problem of hating ones neighbors.  SO what is the chemitry
experiement you wanted to ask about.  But that rumor I blew up the lab in
12th grade is a lie....Gordon Stevens did it, yes  he used my sugar and
sulphuric acid, but not with my permissin. He wanted to see how big a
carbon "snake" we could make, and poured a pint of sulfuric acid over about
a pount of sugar,   gad that carbon snake was 6 feet high and growin and 10
inches or so in diameter, they had to evacutate that end of the school from
the smoke cloud, and Gordon dove out in the hall, I could not get past the
desk where he did it, and luckily the chem lab was on the first floor, and 
I could dive out the window.  You see we had been doing chemical magic
shows to entice freshmen into chemisty and GOrdon got  a bit carried away. 
So it was mut not true that I blew up the lab....That is if you heard  
anything.  :)
Michael Lee Finney

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