Greetings to all silver list members,

                        In the management of Urinary Tract Infection,
particularly those chronic ones, often I find that the source of infection
is not necessarily  from the urinay tract. In the females, the urinary
bladder is separated from the cervix of the uterus by only a very
thin fibrous membrane. Any infection from the adjacent cervix
can easily be spread to the urinary bladder. Any  failure to
recognise this fact of applied anatomy often leads to untold
sufferings and loss of grace. The possibility of  concomitant
cervicitis should be kept in mind in any urinary tract infection.

 With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>UTI's

> In a message dated 09/14/2000 9:15:30 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Marsha,
>      CS alone doesn't work well for UTIs for me.  Maybe there are
>  kinds of bacteria involved.  I am currently doing a kidney cleanse with a
>  product called "Stone Free" which is making everything work better.  Also
>  taking cranberry capsules and Vitamin C.   (DO NOT drink Ocean Spray
>  cranberry juice from the supermarket.  That does not work.  Besides, it's
>  full of sugar.  Many people don't know.)
>   >>
> ____________________________
> I have found grapefruit seed extract works like a charm for me!!
> --
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