Greetings to all list members

               Personally, I feel that the most appropriate
person to answer your medically-orientated questions
would be your personal physician because he or she
knows you best.

               I am but  one of your opt-in cyberfriends
who is merely trying to offer his 2 cents worth of
cyberinfo. Please take it in this spirit. Your personal
physician is the best.


                          For those  cases where there is a history
of chronic recurrent urinary tract infection, I would suggest  a
gynaecological check-up to rule out any complications such as cervicitis, in
the first place.
An ultra sound may sometimes pick up small  kidney,
 ureteric or bladder stones [calculi] which may be contributary to the
persistent infection. Of course, a
full urinary and microscopic examination should be done
with a mid-stream sample. A  sample should be sent for culture for microbes
and sensitivity tests, for the choice of antibiotics [ of which there are
many natural alternatives].  I have to  be very careful and sensitive when
I elicit history  pertaining to the mindset and lifestyle of the patient -
the pyscho-sexual aspect.

With regards
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>UTI's

> In a message dated 09/15/2000 10:18:57 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << . Any infection from the adjacent cervix
>  can easily be spread to the urinary bladder. Any  failure to
>  recognise this fact of applied anatomy often leads to untold
>  sufferings and loss of grace. The possibility of  concomitant
>  cervicitis should be kept in mind in any urinary tract infection.
>   With regards
>      Lew >>
> ***************
> What do you recommend for this?
> --
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