----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Eastman" <eastm...@home.com>

> Well I just ran my first batch. LV
> Used a radioshack "wall wart" 13.5/30v adapter and 16oz of DW. About 4
> inches of silver wire 14GA 2" apart.
> I ran 15 minutes at 30v and 30 minutes at 13.5v (per Dean's rec.)
> It just finished like 5 minutes ago and it seems quite clear - very
> One of the rods is quite a bit darker than the other. Other than that
> really don't know if I have CS or not. Will this "color" amber out
once it
> disperses through the DW? I removed the rods right away - I figured if
> was no more current might as well dismantle the wires.

It may get some colour in 24 - 48 hrs. If you leave the rods in the
water over night it is possilbe that the concentration will rise by a
few ppm. You can also get an idea of the progress of silver electrode
dissolution by noting the change in voltage and current. The resistance
of the water will decrease as silver ions enter it and can be calculated
by dividing the voltage by the current and multiplying the answer by
1000 if the current was measured in miliamps.

> Dean guessed at about 8PPM. What might the micron size be if I am not
> "color" but only darker silver wire?

Particle size will be around the 1nm (0.001 microns) mark or less.

> Thanks from the newbie.
> Tim and Theresa Eastman


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