Dear Brooks and everyone,
My small children, ages 4 and 10 ONLY get asthma when they have a virus.
What types of CS nebulizer methods
or humidifier methods would work to get the conjestion out of their lungs or
better yet prevent them from being on those antibiotics or inhalers. I have
read  on this list that  certain nebulizers can induce bronchospasms.
I like the idea of putting something at the end of their beds but at this
point I am unsure how to proceed and what to purchase. The oral CS has
helped us for at least 50% of this problem and for this I am very grateful
to the list!  Can you please help?

-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 5:51 PM
Subject: CS>[Fwd: CS>nebulizer]

>                        I believe this, original post, did not reach the
>list.  This makes my explanation on rhetoric in my
>apology.........appear even more bizarre.
>                      I am afraid my incompetence  is starting to
>overwhelm me.
>                                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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