Terry is justified in focussing on pragmatism for laymen who need the
benefits of CS without abstruse details.  OTOH, efforts toward refining
good processes into better ones can yield unexpected discoveries.  Until
the way to *perfect heath* is attained--yea, even to immortality--we must
not abandon pure science & experimentation; esp. while there's still much
to learn about bio-interactivity between health, microbes, oxygen,
chemicals and various forms & intensties of ENERGY.


On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 18:43:39 -0700 (PDT) Terry Wayne <tw...@yahoo.com>
> Listers,
> I know I will probably get blasted by the "techies"
> for this, but it's my opinions and conclusions on the
> subject of making CS. Also, it has worked perfectly
> for me. But I am probably shooting at a sacred cow.
> Terry Wayne
> Colloidal Silver Brewing Instructions:
> The first question is, how much CS do you want to make
> at a time? If you are only going to use it topically,
> or occasionally put a little in a drink - say, to
> fight off an approaching cold - you would only need to
> make maybe 8 ounces. If your whole family will be
> using it, and you're putting it in the family's milk,
> juice, soup, sauce, etc., or spraying it on various
> items (shower curtains, toilet bowls, etc.) for its
> antiseptic affect, you will need to make a liter at a
> time.
> When I first started, I used a 12-volt DC adapter,
> like what powers a cordless phone, or a cassette
> player. When I saw how amazing CS worked, and I
> started selling it to my clients, and then to HF
> stores, I bought a whole box-full of adapters and
> chain-linked them to get higher voltages (24-36
> volts).
> Using a 12-volt (or whatever) DC adapter, here is what
> you do. Cut off the jack on the end. Pull the wires
> apart on the end, and attach alligator clips to each
> wire (available at Radio Shack). You now have an
> excellent CS machine (just like the $100+ gizmo, but
> without the bells and whistles). You now need two 6"
> long silver wires. You should type in "silver wires"
> in your search engine and shop for best prices. If
> you're just making it for yourself, and don't drink 1
> quart a day, the wires should last you at least a
> year. But you will probably start giving it to your
> friends, so if you have to buy 3+ sets of wires (or
> 20') to get the best price, you won't regret it (and
> still be spending far less than the expensive gizmo!).
> Put 8 oz. of steam distilled water (DW) only (not
> reverse osmosis, tap, well, mineral, filtered,
> "purified" or "spring" water) in a jar (deionised is
> also ok), hang the 99.9% pure silver wires down inside
> by bending one end of each wire over the rim of the
> jar so as to hang down on the outside of the jar about
> 3/4" to 1", the rest of the wire hanging down on the
> inside of the jar about 5". Remember, these wires are
> pure silver, not Sterling silver. Sterling silver
> contains other metals which are toxic. Put them in the
> jar so that they are about 2" apart, hanging parallel
> to each other. Don't plug in the adapter until
> everything is set up and connected. Attach the
> alligator clips to the outside ends of the two wires,
> with the wires going straight into the ends of the
> clips, like they were jaws biting off the ends, not
> where the teeth on the sides are. You'll notice that
> by twisting the alligator clips on the wires, it will
> make the wires lean to the right or left, so this is
> how you cause the wires to be straight and parallel to
> each other. Plug in the adapter and let sit for 2
> hours. 
> After a few minutes you may observe bubbles of
> hydrogen rise from one silver wire, while an ultra
> fine silver mist may begin to float off the other. If
> you alternate the alligator clips on the wires (change
> polarity) every 1/2 hour, the wires will wear evenly.
> (Eventually one or the other will become so thin it
> will disappear. Time to replace it!) The color of the
> water when you are finished, whether gray, yellow,
> gold or brown, is unimportant to the effectiveness of
> the CS. The more color, the stronger the taste. Since
> there are usually silver sludge/particles to some
> degree, you might strain them off through a coffee
> filter or paper towel. (The silver particles are not
> harmful.) You will find that if you don't change
> polarity (switch the alligator clips), one of the
> wires may grow a gray "fuzz" around it, which you will
> need to clean off the wire when you are through. This
> is normal. You can make no mistakes that make CS toxic
> or dangerous if you follow these directions and use
> pure silver wire. If you leave it too long and the
> water is loaded with silver sludge/particles, it may
> be too bitter to get past your tongue (though it
> wouldn't hurt you), but it will work just fine
> externally. Many people intentionally make it stronger
> for topical applications (though that's not
> necessary). Your jar will become stained on the sides
> and bottom with silver oxide, which scrubs off easily
> with a nylon scrubber.
> One of the wires will become "hairy" with a gray-black
> fur, and there may be gray-black stuff on the sides or
> bottom of the jar, or floating around in the water.
> There may be a silvery film on the top of the water.
> None of this matters. At the end of 2 hours, unplug
> the adapter and unhook the alligator clips from the
> wires. Put a coffee filter or paper napkin in a
> funnel, pour your CS through it into a clean jar, and
> you've done it! Wipe off the wires with a paper napkin
> or a nylon pot scrubber. If you stir the batch while
> it's brewing, every 30 minutes or so, and if you swap
> the alligator clips every 30 minutes, too, the fuzz
> will be much less, and there will be less "sludge" in
> the water.
> If you have been reading on the silver-list for very
> long, you will have seen a lot of mumbo-jumbo about
> voltages, current limiting, particle size, stirring
> motors, constant current, etc. It's all unnecessary. I
> make and sell CS to Alternative Health practitioners
> and Health Food stores all across Canada (51 so far).
> The reports I regularly receive are amazing. It's
> actually almost difficult to make CS the wrong way. By
> "wrong way" I mean a CS that is toxic in some way, or
> made in such a way as to be ineffective. I've made it
> low and high-voltage, and it doesn't matter - it's
> still effective CS. All this silliness about particle
> size is, in my opinion, silliness. (Just my opinion!)
> People used to grind up silver into powder, stir it
> into water and drink it, with good results. How much
> bigger would a mechanically ground-up particle be than
> the largest electrically created particle? A thousand
> times bigger? Ten thousand? To quibble over
> electrically-generated particle sizes seems to me
> absurd. The same applies to all the talk about
> metallic vs. ionic, or colloidal, or positive or
> negative charges, etc. 
> If you are going to sell it, you will need to find a
> source of steam distilled or deionized water. If you
> use water with chlorine in it, you will make
> silver-chloride, which is known to cause negative
> reactions in the body. If you use well or spring
> water, there is concern (by some) that the silver may
> form compounds with whatever other minerals are in the
> water, which may be toxic. Nobody knows if there is
> actually a problem with using mineral water. It's
> being used in third-world countries (where distilled
> or deionized water is not available or is too costly),
> and there are no reports of bad side-effects yet. My
> own experience is that mineral water makes a murky CS,
> which, though still effective, is not attractive.
> There are several key points about CS-making that will
> simplify the whole thing.
> First, there is no perfect or optimal voltage. The
> more voltage you have, the faster you make CS, and the
> more you can make per batch. Second, the current takes
> care of itself. You don't have to limit it because
> your batch is ready before the current gets too high
> (too high for what?). If you overcook it, you will
> know because the CS will be dark and dirty (this is
> still good, usable, effective CS, by the way, but
> people are resistant to drinking dark, dirty liquids).
> So it's simple - you stop brewing just before it gets
> dirty. You don't have to overcook any batches to find
> out, either, you just have to be watching. As soon as
> the water starts to become murky, stop brewing.
> Subtract 5-10 minutes from the time it took for the
> water to start becoming murky, and you know what your
> proper brewing time is. If you want to use
> high-voltage, the simplest is to use the voltage out
> of the wall, using a rectifier to change it to DC. I
> don't know what your local wall voltage is, but I
> assume it's 110-120 volts. You will basically be using
> a rectifier to change it to DC, then connecting the
> positive and negative wires to 2 silver wires or rods.
> To be safe, you should have some kind of fuse setup,
> so if you short the wires, you won't burn down the
> house. Even better would be a 110 to 110 volt coil to
> coil setup, with a fuse. It's safer to use low
> voltage, 12-30+ volts, but you will only be able to
> make a quart at a time (though you can set up multiple
> jars with multiple sets of silver wires). I use 110
> VDC. I can make one gallon at a time, using 1-gallon
> pickle jars (3 quarts net). I use 10 jars with 10 sets
> of electrical wires running to 10 sets of silver
> wires, all from the same rectifier. Even with 10 jars
> brewing for an hour, the rectifier never gets warm in
> the slightest. I position the silver wires as far
> apart as the jars will allow (5 1/2 "). With low
> voltage, the wires need to be closer together.
> The whole current-limiting thing is based on the idea
> that high current makes big particles, which are
> difficult for the body to assimilate. But, again,
> considering the size of mechanically ground up silver
> particles (which were effective), the whole argument
> seems to me to be like arguing about how many angels
> can sit on the head of a pin!
> GOOD IDEA: Don't drink this batch. Get a wide-mouth
> quart jar (like a canning or mayonnaise jar), pour
> your new-made 8 oz. batch into it, fill it the rest of
> the way up with distilled water, and repeat the above
> instructions. Strain and serve. You now have 1 quart
> of good-quality home-made Colloidal Silver. Each time
> you make a new batch of CS, "seed" it with 1/4 CS as a
> starter, and it cuts the brewing time by 2/3. (For 8
> oz., put 2 oz. of CS as a starter plus 6 oz. of DW and
> brew for 20-30 minutes instead of 1 hour; for 1 quart,
> use 8 oz. of starter plus 24 oz. of DW and brew 30-45
> min.) If you leave it longer, you will have a stronger
> batch, but your wires will not last as long, and the
> particle size will be bigger. (Smaller is better,
> here.)
> You can hardly make any mistakes doing this. If you
> forget and leave it too long, dilute it with more
> distilled water, as much as you need to make it taste
> OK (slightly bitter, not nasty bitter). Nothing you
> can do (besides adding other substances while brewing,
> or using non-distilled or non-deionised water) can
> make it toxic or harmful. If you leave it too long
> (I've done it many times), the water may be a cloudy
> gray or a dark, murky brown, very unappetizing, full
> of dirty-looking black stuff. Don't fear! Strain it
> out and dilute the CS to taste, and it's still
> wonderful CS. One of my clients, the first time he
> made CS, left the wires in for 24 hours (dissolved the
> wires!). He then drank the whole 8 oz. at one time!
> Had a rush of energy (he has chronic fatigue
> syndrome), and it cured a gastro-intestinal disorder
> he had!
> Silver is sunlight sensitive. Keep in cool, dark
> place. Some people use darkly tinted glass bottles, or
> rinse out hydrogen peroxide bottles to store colloidal
> silver in. Other people use the hard, clear plastic
> bottles such as contain fruit juice, or lemon
> concentrate or Perrier water, or soda pop. Do not
> refrigerate. Shake bottle before using to be sure that
> the silver colloid is evenly distributed. Do not store
> near motors, speaker cabinets or other strong magnetic
> fields. Full potency can be retained for at least a
> month when the CS is properly stored. If you use CS as
> much and as often as I do, you don't worry about it
> "spoiling" (which it doesn't do anyway). 
> To use it topically, you can use a poultice or
> bandage. Drinking CS every day is believed to
> strengthen one's immune system. Most people drink 1
> oz. twice a day regularly as a lifestyle, then consume
> more when sick or becoming sick (up to 16 oz. per day
> or even more). There are no reports of anyone becoming
> sick or being harmed by drinking CS, no matter what
> quantity they consume. If you have questions, contact
> me:
> Metabolic Solutions Institute
> Terry Chamberlin
> 902-584-3810
> msi...@yahoo.com
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